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Light Dimmer Module

LDM Light Dimmer ModuleLDM Light Dimmer Module

Automatic Light Control in One Convenient Package
Fade up, fade down at the flick of the switch.
You set the fade rates (from zero to ten seconds) and the beginning and ending light levels.
The LDM is a smart little dimmer. It needs no external analog controller. Simply connect to AC power, add a switch and you're in business.
Or if you prefer, you can use the LDM with any standard analog controller. There is also a 10 Volt reference output for architectural applications.
Exclusive"Flicker Flame" Feature to create the realistic open flame lighting with the LDM's built-in flicker circuitry. It can be easily adjusted for just the right amount of intensity and flickering. This random flicker feature yields anything from wild lighting to a soft shimmer.

Technical Specifications